Ravinator's (Unofficial) Electrotank Mini Golf Guide
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This site is currently under construcion, and i haven't had much time to work on it, so it might stay this way for a while.  Sorry for the inconvenience, but this site should still be useful to you anyway.


Welcome to my unofficial mini golf guide.  Here you will find out how to get a -28 with the use of tunnels and a -24 w/out them.  If you have any shots to donate to the site,  i will very well apreciate them. Anyways, i hope you enjoy this site until i figure out how to make a descent one.

*NOTE* The difficulty levels on this site are for those who are starting the game, so a pro at this game shouldn't have much problems with them.  And also, you should know that evey shot that I put out do work, it just might take a while for you to do...if so, then just keep practicing.


Here is proof that i am infact a -28 golfer.  If you have a -28 scorecard and you want to submit it, email to buddhacrane@hotmail.com.  To see them, click on the scorecard above.
Contact me:   E-mail - ravinator88@hotmail.com
                      MSN - ravinator88@hotmail.com
                      AIM - ravinator88


For other minigolf sites, you can go to:
If you're looking for a mini golf gold guide, the only one known as of now is http://www.minigolfgoldguide.0catch.com/.  It has some very nice shots in it.  It'll show you how to get  a -31.
Make sure to go to the mini golf forum and register as your electrotank screen name.